These sensational Garden Perennial Seeds For Chalk Soils will look stunning in your garden.If you're struggling to get anything to grow because you have a light chalky or shallow limestone soil, then here is your answer.No need for hours of back breaking digging.Don't waste time and money planting things that will not tolerate your soil type.Help to preserve these gems of the native flora.Mow or scythe once a year,
Grow as a border or meadow feature.Sowing rate if sown alone: 2g per square metre.Species List Included in the Garden Perennial Seeds For Chalk SoilsYarrowAgrimonyKidney VetchBetonyCommon KnapweedGreater Knapweedwild CarrotDropwortHedge BedstrawField ScabiousRough Hawks-bitOxeye DaisyBlack MedicWild MarjoramWild ParsnipHoary PlantainSalad BurnetCowslipSelfhealCommon SorrelBladder CampionGrassesGlaucous SedgeQuaking grassCrested DogtailSheeps FescueRed FescueCrested Hair GrassYellow Oat GrassSmaller Cats-tail Grass
Chalk & Limestone Seeds Summer Flowering UK Native Wild Flowers
All species are insect attracting. Some will provide food plants for butterfly and moth larvae.
You can sow these wild flower seeds as soon as you get them directly into the ground where you want them to grow. Do not add compost or fertiliser to the ground as, like most native meadow plants, they do not require a nutrient rich soil. Rake lightly in to cover the seed and water regularly during dry weather to help establish the young plants. If sown between July and October you should expect flowering the following year.
Keep well watered in dry periods after sowing to help establish the seedlings.