Garden Perennial Seeds For Pind Edge Summer Flowering UK Native Wild Flowers
Pond Edge Seed Mix
- These sensational Garden Perennial Seeds For Pond Edges and bog gardens will look stunning in your garden.A perfect blend of long lasting colourful and scented perennials. They can be sown in situ around the edges of a freshly excavated pond. some will tolerate being as deep as 60cm while others will be perfectly happy sitting up out of the water. Don't worry about trying to seperate them out. They will adapt and thrive according to where they are.Help to preserve these gems of the native flora.Cut down wit hshears or scythe once a year,All species are insect attracting. Some will provide food plants for butterfly and moth larvae.Sow where you want them to grow between MArch and October.Species List Included in the Pond Plant seed MixWater Avens Water Mint Brooklime Water Forget-Me-Not Meadowsweet Cowslip Ragged Robin Flag Iris Sneezewort St John's Wort
Other species may also be inlcuded.