Wild Flower Butterfly & Bee Seed Mix Native Flowering Easy Maintenance Garden
Wild Flower Butterfly & Bee Seed Mix
- Spend this summer relaxing and enjoying your Wild flower Butterfly & Bee Seed Mix.A fabulous, scented and colourful blend of perennial wild flowers and grasses that doesn't need mowing every week.Spend warm afternoons listening to busy bees, hover flies and colourful butterflies going about their business while you chill out.Hopefully the sound of your neighbours wrestling with lawn mowers and strimmers wont drown out the bliss.Preparation is easy. Poor soil is preferred. Lightly rake over the plot and scatter the seeds. Protect from the birds and keep wet during dry spells. Sow April/May or August/September for best results.Cut once a year in October. Allow the cut material to lie for a day or two to allow seeds to drop. Then remove all cut material from the site. This prevents too many nutrients returning to the soil.Wilderness Tamed recommend using a scythe. We run courses and SABI the Scythe Association of Britain & Ireland can get you in touch with your local instructor and supplier.Pro TipPlant native bulbs in Autumn before sowing the seeds. This will give an early spring display and extend the season. Our native mix of Autumn bulbs will be available closer to September.List of Species
24 Wildflower species
Achillea millefolium. Yarrow
Agrinmonia eupatorium. Agrimony
Anthillis vulneraria. Kidney Vetch
Betonica officinalis. Betony
Centaurea nigra. Common Knapweed
Centaurea scabiosa. Greater Knapweed
Daucus carota. Wild Carrot
Gallium album. Hedge Bedstraw
Geranium pratense. Meadow Crane's-bill
Knautia arvensis. Field Scabious
Leucanthemum vulgare. Oxeye Daisy
Lotus corniculatus. Birdsfoot Trefoil
Medicago lupulina. Black Medic
Origanum vulgare. Wild Margoram
Pastinaca sativa. Wild Parsnip
Poterium sanguisorba. Salad Burnet
Primula veris. Cowslip
Prunella vulgaris. Selfheal
Ranunculus acris. Meadow Buttercup
Rumex acetosa. Common Sorrel
Silaum silaus. Pepper Saxifrage
Silene vulgaris. Bladder Campion
Torilis japonica. Upright Hedge-Parsley
Vicia cracca. Tufted Vetch
5 Grass species.
Agrostis capillaris. Common Bent
Cynosurus cristatus. Crested Dogstail
Festuca rubra. Red Fescue
Phleum bertolonii. Smaller Cat's-Tail
Poa pratense. Smooth Stalked Meadow-Grass
Sowing rates and coverage. Working on an average 4 grams per square meter.10gm covers 2.5 square meter20gm covers 5 square meters50gm covers 12.5 square meters100gm covers 25 square meters200gm covers 50 square metersIt's basic maths really.